15 March 2016
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:1295:"Faculty of tropical and subtropical agriculture was in the Kuban state agrarian University special, different from others, because there studied 80% of foreigners and only 20% of Russian students.
In the course of 1996 enrolled 70 foreign students and about 20 people from Russia. For knowledge, Kuban state agrarian University was visited by the citizens of such countries as: India, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Nigeria, Niger, Ethiopia, C?te d'Ivoire, Comoros, Angola, Madagascar, Mali, Senegal and Somalia.
After graduating, foreign students generally leave home, but didn't lose the connection with the University and the faculty. Three graduates decided to stay in Krasnodar and began to build a career in the Kuban.
Graduates of the faculty of tropical and subtropical agriculture 1996 continue to communicate in social networks, share your achievements and memories and talk on the phone. Despite the fact that 20 years have passed, many not bad speak Russian.
Supervisor was the famous scientist, doctor of economic Sciences Mikhail I. Lukomets, which, of course, invited to the reunion.
All, without exception, thanked Mikhail Iosifovich because he tried to "mold" students not only specialists of high class, but preparing children for life outside the University.