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We will sum up the results
11 January 2016

In day of celebration of Christmas, on December 25 on a modern Gregorian calendar, there has taken place the meeting of Club of international friendship of economics department which has become already tradition! Main objectives of Club meeting - summing up of faculty work in the international direction and development of cultural adaptation of foreign students. The dean of economics department, Dr.Econ.Sci., professor V. I. Gayduk, the assistant to the dean on the international work at faculty Cand.Econ.Sci., associate professor N. R. Sayfetdinova have organized action. At a meeting the deputy dean for study, Cand.Econ.Sci., associate professor S. A. Kalitko, Cand.Econ.Sci., associate professor A.V. Ostretsova responsible for cultural and mass work have also visited faculty, Cand.Econ.Sci., associate professor M. V. Verty and students of preparatory faculty from Turkmenistan. Active part in him was taken also by foreign students of economics department from Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Palestine, Kazakhstan and Bulgaria. Children have prepared performances about New Year's traditions of the native lands. Reports of the invited students of faculty on traditions of celebration of New Year and Christmas in Russia, in France and other countries of Europe have been heard.

By the way, results of the international activity at faculty in 2015 were presented in the form of the presentation responsible for the international and scientific work of a student's trade-union bureau of faculty, by the student of the 4th course of the World economy profile Alina Aliyeva.

It should be noted that 2015 was very bright, interesting and sated with scientific and cultural events at university and at faculty!

So, in March annual international student's conference on economy has taken place, in May the project of the International economic scientific spring school has successfully been realized and anniversary tenth conference the international conference "Russian Economic Model-4" in Gelendzhik is held. In July professor of the Roman University Francesco Zecca has given lectures in English for students of faculty. Also with working visit the university was twice visited by delegation from the twin-city of Harbin (China). Have been carried out bilingual conference in the English and Russian languages at which there was a student Anna Maletski (Germany) which is doing practical training at faculty now. In October the significant event in life of university has taken place: Anniversary of the 55 anniversary of faculty. In honor of him the historical sketch has been published, there has taken place the photo exhibition, and also from October 28 to November 1 have been carried out the XI International scientific conference "Russian Economic Model-5" devoted to anniversary and ceremonial meeting of the Academic Council.

Now within realization "Programs of development of the international cooperation from 2014 to 2020" the faculty carries out active work on the directions: organization of partner communications with foreign higher education institutions, participation in scientific and education conferences and seminars, academic mobility of students, graduate students and teachers, issue of joint diplomas and other. Also actively cooperates with foreign higher educational institutions of Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Armenia, etc. Thanks to active international work the faculty regularly gives an opportunity to students and teachers of the international exchange of scientific experience at conferences, programs of training and the practicing, visits and working meetings. Traditional meetings of Club of international friendship promote development of cross-cultural interaction and the best social adaptation of foreign students. On the future at economics department there are a lot of plans, interesting projects and new contacts from around the world.

350044, Krasnodar, st. Kalinina, 13, press service


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