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La Sapienza again to visit us
25 September 2014

Our University has already become traditional visited Francesco Dzekka - assistant Professor of the Department of Economics and agricultural policy, lecturer of the Department of Management of the Roman University La Sapienza.

In the program of his visit included meetings with University administration, Faculty of Processing Technologies, negotiations with the Dean of the Faculty of Economy Professor V. I. the Gaiduk. The discussion topic was a framework agreement on cooperation of the Kuban State Agrarian University with an Italian University.

Francesco Dzekka held for students and lecturers of the Faculty of Processing Technology and the Department of Economy and Foreign Economic Activity two fascinating lectures on the theme "The cost of quality nutrition products” and “Agriculture and multifunctionality”.

We hope that the cooperation between two universities and in the future will be mutually beneficial and fruitful.

Людмила Усанина
350044, Krasnodar, st. Kalinina, 13, press service


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