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“If a soul was born winged…”
27 October 2017

125th anniversary of Marina Tsvetaeva, the most enigmatic and romantic poetess of the XX century is celebrated all over Russia in October 2017. On the initiative of professor Tatyana Fedotova and senior lecturer Olga Rybalchenko, Russian language and verbal communication chair lecturers, was held an event by the name of “Tsvetaevskie chteniya” on the poetess' anniversary occasion. The event included cross-university students scientific conference “Aktualnaya Tsvetaeva” and reciter contest for all faculties. The event took place in accounting and finance faculty on October 25.

To know more about the wonderful poetess was possible with watching a documentary “Her life’s novel” about Tsvetaeva's life and work. The students also made reports presenting deep scientific research of the poetess' poetic and epistolary heritage.

As the result the beat reporters were Nadezhda Naumenko (group ИЗ 1723) research paper “Color naming in Tsvetaeva's poem “Belizna – ugroza Chernote””, Olga Artemenkova (group УФ 1722) research paper “Color naming in Tsvetaeva's poem cycle “Otrok””, Victorya Solomyko (group УФ 1721) research paper “Poet and poetry in Tsvetaeva's works”, and Victorya Korniyash (group УФ 1724) research paper “Phonetics of Tsvetaeva's poetic texts”.

The second stage of anniversary celebration was reciter contest. The participants could demonstrate their recitation skills, the way they feel Marina Tsvetaeva's poetry, to transfer her pain of loneliness, hopes and dreams. The students read poems of poetess's various work periods. Some participants added music to their performances, while others performed romances with Marina Tsvetaeva's poems.

It was very difficult for the jury to decide winners as all the contestants were outstanding. As a result the top three winners are:

The first position – Alexey Bakulin  (group УЗ 1732), Rimma Akopyan (group ВМ 1732);

The second position – Alena Yakovenko (group ФК 1721), Vitaly Khrapov (group ЭС 1621); 

The third position – Alexander Eremin  (group УФ 1721), Zhanna Kobzar (group ИЗ 1721), Alina Vysochenko (group ИЗ 1723).

Russian language and verbal communication chair thanks all the contestants for showing their interest and sharing their time and energy for event participation. Poets live till we read and love their poetry! We wish you great success and new wins!

350044, Krasnodar, st. Kalinina, 13, press service


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